Photobucket Photobucket Therapy dogs spread happiness, love, and cheer to people who otherwise might be lonely, sad or slow to heal. This is the journey of Cayman, a longhair miniature dachshund and his journey and experiences visiting becoming a therapy dog.

Did you know that pet visits often spark good memories of a person's own pets? Dogs often can reach people and children who have withdrawn from the world. It's been suggested by science that petting a dog can lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and stress, and promote healing.



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Sunday, December 7, 2008

E-cards Galore!

E-cards Galore!

Here is one from a very pretty dachshund, Mona, from TX. Her blog is:
And Hercules from KS at sent us this one:
Then there is this one from Beckett from AL of :And all the way from Malaysia is this e-card from Ben and Twinkle of www.colliebenjamin.blogspot.comThanks to all of you as well! :)


Asta said...

Those cawds awe bootiful! I hope you'we having a vewy happy Chwissmuss season..I'm suwe thewe will be lots mowe to come
smoochie kisses

Ben & Darling said...

Hi Doxi, nice to meet you. Glad that you like our ecard & thanks for posting it here. Have a great christmas ya!!! we will be back to blog next year. Check it out k.

slurpy licks,
Ben & Twinkle

Fred said...

E-cards are the most fun! My Old Girl needs to get mine out a.s.a.p.!