Photobucket Photobucket Therapy dogs spread happiness, love, and cheer to people who otherwise might be lonely, sad or slow to heal. This is the journey of Cayman, a longhair miniature dachshund and his journey and experiences visiting becoming a therapy dog.

Did you know that pet visits often spark good memories of a person's own pets? Dogs often can reach people and children who have withdrawn from the world. It's been suggested by science that petting a dog can lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and stress, and promote healing.



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Monday, June 16, 2008

Cayman's Wellness Checkup

This morning Nils and I took Cayman to Miracle Mile Animal Hospital for his examination. We met Stacey Bradley, DVM who I liked very much. She was very friendly and I liked her "bedside manner" she had with Cayman. She read over his health certificate which was issued by the breeder's vet. Her only concern was that the kennel cough vaccination was missing from the list of vaccinations given. She said technically its required by law but we could catch up on it when we bring him back for his next series of vaccinations.

She than began her examination of Cayman, exclaiming how adorable he was the entire time she ran her hands over him. She checked for hernias and said his little testicles were appearing fine although they had yet to drop. She checked his knees and felt his head for an open fontanel which  is the area at the top of the skull where the bone plates merge. This will usually close when the puppy is 4-6 weeks of age, but sometimes they never completely fuse, leaving a hole in the top of the skull. His fontanel was fine. Thank goodness.  I was so afraid when she started listening to his heart. I kept thinking, "Sure, he looks perfect on the outside, but watch him have something horrible like a heart murmur going on inside". Dr Bradley assured me his heart was fine and that he was indeed as perfect as we hoped.

She gave us a Puppy Pack that included a bunch of information like brochures on puppy wellness and vaccinations and our first month of Sentinel which  given once a month for the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs. We explained to her that we have always used Revolution on our other pets in the past for this same type of protection and she went on to explain the differences, pros and cons of each medication.

Sentinel which is in a flavored tablet form, is given once a month for the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs and also protects against hookworm, roundworm and whipworm. Sentinel is also used to control fleas by preventing the development of flea eggs. Sentinel does not kill adult fleas or protect against ticks.

Revolution is a topical parasiticide applied once a month for the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs and cats. Revolution is also used on dogs for the treatment or prevention of fleas, certain ticks, ear mites and canine sarcoptic mange but does not protect against internal parasites.

Both are waterproof which is good.

Sentinel is cheaper. I can order it from for $58.99 for a 6 month supply of the 2 to 10 lb formula. Revolution is more expensive. So it looks like we will be a Sentinel family from now on.

I gave Cayman his first monthly dose of Sentinel and he seems to be doing fine with it. I do know that Revolution, when I put it on my cat, Sterling, she ends up with a bald spot where it was applied. I never noticed any bald spots when I used it on Zoey, my toy poodle. Cayman has a beautiful golden coat. I don't think I want to try Revolution on him just in case he has the same reaction as Sterling.

We then discussed the matter of neutering him. Nils and I were quick to answer whether or not we planned on doing it. "Oh yes! " was my answer. I DO NOT plan on breeding and definitely do not want a peeing and humping machine! I was then given a quote for Cayman's neuter which can be done when he is 4 to 6 months of age. My quote was ranged from  $324.42 to $406.00!!!! Yee-ow-ser! I remember back when I was a vet tech assistant and even without my employee discounts, neuters were NEVER that much! That was more what you would spend on a spay since they are more complicated. So now I am considering having a different vet do the neuter when he is of age. I can't believe with all the problems of overpopulation that vets would charge so much. I mean, I have assisted this type of surgery and its not that difficult or complicated. Spays are much more complex. Sigh. Guess I have a few phone calls to make the next two days I have off from work. Having a puppy sure gets expensive! Thank goodness he is worth it!

And onto the cuteness! Cayman playing "Don't Get My Belly"!

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